Kudos launching new dissemination management and impact acceleration services

Research groups, departments, impact leads and units of assessment invited to join early access program

Kudos launching new dissemination management and impact acceleration services

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The chronic constipation in childhood, in spite of the modern development of coloproctology, remains serious and in many aspects an unresolved problem. Therefore the choice of volume of an optimum level of resection is of great importance in depression of quantity of relapses after the surgical treatment. The differentiated approach applied now to surgical treatment in constipation is based on radiological data (a choice of the area with the most expressed stasis) and consists in resection of the zone of the faulty innervation of colon with excision of the decompensated organ parts. Continue Reading »

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Updated Privacy Policy

As part of our commitment to privacy and transparency, we’re updating our Privacy Policy. We want to give you more information about how we collect and use personal information — in a more organized and readable format.

“Your privacy is critically important to us.” These are the first words of our Privacy Policy, and words we live by when designing and building our products.

Updated Privacy Policy

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Experience of secondary multistage treatment for complex long gap esophageal atresia

Esophageal atresia is malformation which occurs 1 per 3000 to 1 per 5000 births. There is no uniform consensus in treatment of complex long-gap esophageal atresia (CLGEA). The controversy is mostly based on severity and variety of complications of the anastomosis. Continue Reading »

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Congestive portal gastropathy in children

The study defined endoscopic criteria for congestive portal gastropathy in children with extrahepatic form of portal hypertension. The most significant endoscopic features were mosaic changes in the mucosa with foci of erythema and subepithelial hemorrhages, hyperemia with areas of the elevated edematous gastric mucosa by the type of mosaic.

Minaev S. V., Romaneeva N. M., Getman N. V., Doronin F. V. Congestive portal gastropathy in children. Medical News of North Caucasus. 2017; 12(2):219-220. doi: 10.14300/mnnc.2017.12062

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Publisher case study: ‘Kudos helps us connect with authors so that we can work together to promote their research.

Source: Publisher case study: ‘Kudos helps us connect with authors so that we can work together to promote their research.’

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Surgical Treatment of Hydatid Cyst of the Liver

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the incidence of persons with hydatid cyst in endemic areas is more than 50 per 100,000 population per year. In some parts of Argentina, Peru, East Africa, Central Asia, and China, it reaches 5%-10%. In parts of South America, 20%–95% of animals that are slaughtered are condemned to death because of hydatid cysts. Continue Reading »


Как писать тезисы, чтобы они публиковались и вызывали интерес аудитории? Урок от гуру по цитированию

The abstract is a crucial component of a research article. Abstracts head the text—and sometimes they can appear alone in separate listings (e.g., conference proceedings). The purpose of the abstract is to inform the reader succinctly what the paper is about, why and how the research was carried out, and what conclusions might be drawn. In this paper we consider the same (or a similar) abstract in 13 different formats to illustrate the strengths and weaknesses of each approach. View Full-Text


Sources: James Hartley and Guillaume Cabanac. Thirteen Ways to Write an Abstract Publications 2017, 5(2), 11; doi:10.3390/publications5020011

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